St Martin’s Church, North Perrott

Welcome to our website for St Martins’ Church, North Perrott.
There has been a place of worship at the heart of the Somerset Village of North Perrott since Norman times. This church, as you see it today, has elements dating from the 12th Century and other parts from the 16th Century. This website will help you to find out a little more about the church, it’s history, and the unique heritage of the village around it.
Using the links above you can find information on the regular services that take place in the church. There is also some information about the church’s history with pictures of some of its really special features, and a quiz for those who enjoy a challenge!
Please view our Events page for the latest news on our activities and events. If you are visiting the village you might like to look at, or print off our heritage trail and take a walk through the history of this Somerset village and learn more about how people lived and worked here in times gone by. Heritage Trail maps are also available from the North Perrott Farm Shop.
If you have any questions, want to see a map of our location, or would just like to get in touch please visit our Contact page.
If you have any concerns about the safety, care or protection of children or adults, please go to the Safeguarding contact details page where you will find telephone numbers of our Safeguarding officers, who will be happy to help you.

St. Martin’s Church Roof Fund has been supported by a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund. Thanks to National Lottery players, we have been able to complete the work on the new roofs. This has ensured that the building is once again weathertight and in a condition where it is able to take its place as the hub of numerous church and village activities that are so vital to a rural population.